This famous picture came straight to mind when rhythm and expression of lines were mentioned. In my eyes, although the thick white lines are facing vertically, the motion of repetition from the zebra crossing and the direction that the beatles are walking, flows horizontally. This sets a calm and more subtle tone to the image. An amazing picture in so many ways. Although I have the album, I found it on a great website with all of the beatles covers - there are some good ones!
Yea I can see the movement with the thick vertical lines. I can also see with the lines that divide the road, they make my eyes move up the page that way too.
I can see the movement also. I like how the top half of the ad is simple, yet the bottom half looks busy because of how the figures are shown.
There's much going on in the photo. Some things I notice. All four guys are moving with the same purpose and drive. Together they form an implied line. Going all the same direction could be considered a psychic line. There's good balance with the road disappearing to a vanishing point in the distance. I'm also noticing the balance of green from the trees on both sides of the road.
I love how the lines work simply with in this ad. The perspective of course is show through them, but they nicely accent the ad.
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